Insistence as religion 宗教の拘り (4)
There are many temples and shrines in Japan. There are also many other religious facilities too.
However, there are few no learning about religion at school. Even if we touch religion we will not mention it deeply.
Only a few schools touches God and is merely adhered to God.
Buddhist schools are concerned with Buddha,
Christian schools insist on the Bible,
and Shintoism schools are stick to with rituals.
The number of high schools in Japan is 4,607 (2018 ').
Of these, Buddhism is 107,
Christianity is 117,
The Shinto system is 5.
Only about 5% of high schools are cling about religion.
So it is very difficult for many Japanese people to seek proper understanding of God.
日本の高等学校数は4,607校(2018 ')です。これらのうち、仏教は107校、キリスト教は117校、神道系は5校です。高校学校の約5%だけが宗教に拘っています。
However, there are few no learning about religion at school. Even if we touch religion we will not mention it deeply.
Only a few schools touches God and is merely adhered to God.
Buddhist schools are concerned with Buddha,
Christian schools insist on the Bible,
and Shintoism schools are stick to with rituals.
The number of high schools in Japan is 4,607 (2018 ').
Of these, Buddhism is 107,
Christianity is 117,
The Shinto system is 5.
Only about 5% of high schools are cling about religion.
So it is very difficult for many Japanese people to seek proper understanding of God.
日本の高等学校数は4,607校(2018 ')です。これらのうち、仏教は107校、キリスト教は117校、神道系は5校です。高校学校の約5%だけが宗教に拘っています。
聖書 the Bible
祭祀 rituals
仏陀 Buddha