Buddha is not a god 仏陀は神ではない(5)

Buddhism says clearly that there is no god.
Neruke Mukata said as follows. He came to Japan from Germany and became a the Buddhist Soto sect (Zen sect)'s chief priestsays.

 "There is a Buddha but never a god."

This remark is a very important thing, it is a word clarifying Buddhist principles. Especially Buddhist scholars is of eradicate this.
Many people do not understood correctly what is Buddha. For not being understood correctly many Japanese people regard the Buddha as a god. However, it alone can not understand Japanese faith. Only rather than just about the essence of Buddhism.There are many people who capture Buddhism by adopting the concept of virtual, fantasy thinking. For that reason, it makes difficult to understand for Japanese people to correctly the essence of Buddhism.

日本人の多くの人々は仏が何であるかを正しく理解していません。 正しく理解されていないために、仏を神と見なしています。 ただ、それだけでは日本の信仰を理解することはできません。仏教の本質についてだけではなく、仮想の、空想的思考の概念を採用することによって仏教を捕らえる多くいます。 そのため、日本人にとって仏教の本質を正しく理解することを困難にしています。

